What is SEND?
Some children find learning more challenging than others and may need extra support or significant adaptations to activities in school to achieve their full potential. Some children have physical difficulties or medical conditions that require extra support or significant adaptations to activities and arrangements in school to achieve their full potential.
How is our school accessible to pupils with SEND?
Disabled parking is available halfway up the school drive. Ramps provide access to buildings. We have two disabled toilets with changing facilities. (One situated in the main building and one in the Sports Hall.) We ensure that wherever possible, equipment provided is accessible for ALL children. Specialist equipment can be ordered for individual children if required. We always try to make alternative provision to enable ALL children to access school trips, visits and clubs. We have a strong team of committed staff and a dedicated Pupil Support Team. We are committed to our vision;
Belong Believe Achieve
Who can I talk to?
Speak to your child's class teacher.
You can make an appointment to speak to:
Mrs Mo Parker
Learning Mentor
Mrs Jan Watson
Schools must publish a SEN information report about their provision and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The information to be included in the SEN information report is set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 Schedule 1.
The SEN information report is updated annually with any changes occurring during the year updated as soon as possible.
We publish this information on our school website so that young people, parents and other professionals can find it easily.
For further information about our provision for pupils with SEND, please read the SEND Information Report and the ELAN SEND and Inclusion Policy.