
The Music Curriculum can be split into four main areas. These are: Creating and exploring music, Listening and appraising, Musical activities and performing. 

At Banwell we endeavour to provide the children with opportunities to perform and listen to a variety of music, both through the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities.  The children take part in singing festivals throughout the year which involve the children learning songs from lots of different cultures. We also have productions throughout the year where the children learn songs and take part in performances such as the Nativity, Carol service and the Key Stage two production at the end of the year.

The Children are encouraged to learn to play a musical instrument at Banwell and we are currently providing piano, voice and guitar / ukulele lessons through the Music Service.  We hold a musician of the Year concert in March which allows the children to share their musical skills with the school in the hope they will be crowned Musician of the Year for Key Stage One and Two. We also run a Banwell School Choir every Wednesday lunchtime where we learn a variety of songs and host a range of performances throughout the year.


Planning and teaching

At Banwell Primary School we use the ‘Sing Up’ scheme of work which supports all the requirements of the National Curriculum and gives children access to a wide range of musical concepts and experiences. The ‘Sing Up’ Scheme provides teachers with week-by-week lesson support for each year group in the school.

It is ideal for specialist and non- specialist teachers and provides lesson plans, assessment and engaging resources to support every lesson. The Scheme supports all requirements of the new National Curriculum and The Model Music Curriculum and is in line with published OFSTED guidance.



Extend Learning