Whole School letters

Academic year 2023-24
Term Six
Term Five
Term Four

Subject: Science Day - Thursday 14th March

Date sent: 12th March 2024, 11:35am
Banwell Primary School

Dear parents & carers

On Thursday 14th March, Banwell will be celebrating all things science as part of Science Week. For this special day, the children will be mixing in their house groups to investigate the flora and fauna around the school. 


As we plan to go outside during our science activities,  your child will need to bring to school a waterproof coat and footwear that they could wear on the field, such as wellies or walking books.


Thank you for your support and I hope that the children have a fantastic day learning about the nature around us.


Mr M Farmer

Term three

Subject: Space Dome

Date sent: 20th December 2023, 12:03pm
Banwell Primary School

Dear parents and carers,


At the beginning of Term 3, children across the school will be learning about Space, focusing on age-appropriate learning objectives.


On Tuesday 16th January, we will have a large Space Dome in the Sports Hall building to support our learning.  We would then like to invite children, parents and carers back into school between 5-6pm for a star gazing evening on the playground.  There are a number of apps that enable viewers to see the stars, planets and constellations in the sky and you may wish to have one available on the night, but do not need to do so.  Whilst we do not usually have mobile phones on site, this event, after school, would be an opportunity for children to combine the information on the apps with the knowledge that they have gained to see what is around them in the night sky.


As the Sports Hall will be out of action on this day and the children will be eating their lunches in their classrooms we have arranged with Aspens (our caterers) to provide the hot meals in a box.  It’s pizza/Veggie fingers and wedges on this day so if your child would like a hot meal please can you book one on Paretpay by Wednesday 10th January.  We will need to order the take away boxes in so we cannot accept any bookings after this date. 


There is no cost for the activity.  Children will need to be accompanied by an adult to the event.


Best wishes


Paul Davis

Deputy Headteacher & Senco

Term two

Subject: Non School Uniform Day - Christmas Jumper Day

Date sent: 6th December 2023, 2:16pm
Banwell Primary School
Dear Families
For National Christmas Jumper Day, tomorrow will be a non school uniform day.
If you are able to donate to Save The Children please click on the link.
Many thanks
Banwell Primary School

Subject: Carol Service / Cold Weather

Date sent: 29th November 2023, 1:30pm
Banwell Primary School

Can you spare some time to accompany us on the following days/times?

(Parents can stay during the practices or just walk us there and back)

Carol service practise at St Andrew’s Church

Monday 4th December  (Year 3 & 4 only)

Leaving school at 1:30pm  /  Leaving church at 2:50pm

Friday 8th December

Full rehearsal Leaving school at 9:15am / Leaving church at 11:30am (KS2 only)

Carol Service Leaving school at 1:20pm / Leaving church at 3:00pm (All years)

Please speak to class teacher or email office@banwell.extendlearning.org or call school office on 01934 822498


Carol Service Friday 8th December at 2pm

The Christmas Carol Service at St Andrews Church for KS2 (Years 3-6) will be held on Friday 8th December at 2pm.  Year 4 are taking leading roles and Year 3 will be doing a dance.  All KS2 parents and carers are invited to join us at the church.  Only KS2 children may be collected from the church straight after the service but parents must let the class teacher know so that all the children are accounted for.

Reception & KS1 (Years 1 & 2) will be watching the Carol Service on Friday afternoon.  All Reception and KS1 children will walk back from the church in their classes to collect their belongings and they can then be collected by parents from the school. 

Many thanks

Banwell Primary School

 *** With the cold weather here please make sure your child is wearing suitably warm clothing, has a jumper or cardigan, coat, hat and gloves.  *** Thank you

Subject: Odd Socks - Monday 13th Nov - Anti Bullying

Date sent: 6th November 2023, 2:06pm
Banwell Primary School
Anti-Bullying Week


We will be having an Odd Socks Day to launch our Anti-Bullying week. Odd Socks Day is a chance for schools to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in a positive way by asking pupils and staff to wear odd socks to school. There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or buy expensive costumes. All you need to do to take part is wear odd socks, it could not be simpler! Odd Socks day will take place on the first day of Anti Bullying Week, Monday 13th November to help raise awareness.


Thank you

Term one
September 2023

Nasal Flu Immunisations


Children in Reception to Year 11 are being offered flu vaccinations this winter to help protect them from flu and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Vaccinating your child will also help protect you, your family and friends. The flu vaccine is administered using a nasal spray, this vaccine is free and painless, please ensure you complete your consent form at




If your child is unable to receive the nasal flu vaccine, community catch-up clinics will be available, please contact sirona.sch-imms@nhs.net or 0300 1245515 for more information.

Extend Learning