Butterflies & Fireflies

Subject: Opening Worlds - Firefly Class

Date sent: 18th March 2024, 3:05pm
Banwell Primary School

Dear parents & carers

On Thursday afternoon this week (March 21st), we have a governors' meeting in school.  As part of the meeting, we are discussing Opening Worlds.  We would like some children from Fireflies class to present their learning at the meeting, between 3.45pm - 4.15pm.  Several children expressed an interest when we discussed this in class last week.


If you are happy for your child to participate in the meeting and would be able to pick them up at the later time of 4.15pm from the main pedestrian gate near to the school office, please send an email to confirm at office@banwell.extendlearning.org 

Best wishes

Banwell Primary School
Banwell School Choir
Dress Rehearsal for Joseph is this Friday at St Andrews Church.
It will start at 6pm and they hope to be finished by 8.30pm.  Parents are welcome to stay but can also drop off and collect.
Please can they wear black leggins or joggers with daps.
Caz would like to take photos which will be shared with the school and parents.  Please let us know if you do not want your child to be in these photos.
Many thanks
Banwell Primary School
It is time to ask our musicians to enter Banwell Primary School’s ‘Musician of the Year’ competition. It will take place on Wednesday 20th March 2024. Results will be given on Friday 22nd March 2024.
We are looking for children in Key Stage Two who would like to enter the competition – either singing acapella / accompanied or playing a musical instrument.
If your child would like to enter, whether as a solo or in a group with others, please email the school office on office@banwell.extendlearning.org and include the following information;
• Child / children who will be performing.
• Title of the song / piece of music.
• What instrument they will be playing (voice or instrument …etc).
It is important that your child is prepared for the competition, has been able to rehearse their performance at home and brings their music / instruments to school on the day.
In order to allow us to gather a list of performers and ensure we have all accompanying music…etc, the closing date for entries will be Friday 8th March 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Dockerty
Music Subject Lead 
Email 6/11/23

Dear parents/carers of Year 5 children in Firefly class,


Over the last term, your child has been creating a brilliant piece of artwork known as a cyanotype based all around them and their identity. Sidcot school fully funded this across all ELAN schools and have very kindly invited the children to view their work in an exhibition space and take part in a mini workshop. This will be held at Sidcot school and will take place during the school day on Wednesday 15th November.


Children will be collected by coach and transported to Sidcot school for part of the afternoon. This does therefore mean that all Year 5 children will need a packed lunch to eat on site at Sidcot. If your child has a free school meal, this will be provided for them however all other children will need to ensure that they bring a packed lunch. 


Children are expected to wear school uniform as normal.


Please reply to this email giving your child’s name and confirm that you give permission for them to go on this trip by Monday 13th November. 


Best wishes,


Mrs Rogers

(Firefly class)

Email sent 10/10/23

Our Key Stage 2 field trips this term will be focusing on mapping in the local area.  We will be walking along roads within Banwell and will take part in a number of activities on the school site.  The field trips will take place on Tuesday 17th October (Butterfly Class) and Friday 20th October (Firefly Class and Cricket Class).  On those days:


  • children should come into school wearing school uniform with wellington boots or a change of shoes suitable for walking across wet grass
  • children should bring a spare pair of dry socks
  • lunch will be in the dining hall at the same time as usual - there is no need to change lunch arrangements
  • we will start and finish school at the same times as usual

All children in years 3-6 take part in field trips every term.  This is a key part of our geography curriculum offer.

Best wishes

Paul Davis

Deputy Headteacher & Senco