Welcome to Year 6, Crickets class.
This page will give you an overview of all of key information and homework for Year 6 this year.
The class teacher is Mr Farmer.
We also have fabulous support from Mr Fuller and Mrs Watson during the week.
We have PE on Mondays and Fridays this term and we are learning indoor athletics and playground games.
Responsibilities in School
Within school we encourage Year 6 to take on greater responsibilities. The children have many opportunities to take a supporting role on how the school is run. The children can have roles ranging from the School Council; Sports Council; house captains; play leaders and Eco Council amongst others.
For homework this year, the children will be completing grammar, reading and maths activities, along with other tasks. These will be set on a Monday and hand in of work will be Thursday. This should allow the children to choose when to complete their work.
We actively encourage the children to keep active and enjoy sports clubs out of school. We love hearing about your successes and reading reports about your events.
We would like you to continue to use your TT Rockstars account at least twice a week, and we'd like you to read. We encourage the children to take a class book home or to read books they have at home. We'll talk to you about how much you are reading in school.
Terms 5 and 6
In term five, in writing, we will be learning about the life and achievements of Malala Yousafzai. We will write a biography about her and her achievements in raising equality in girls' education. We will then read the book Wonder and write diary entries in character. In geography, we will learn about volcanoes through the Opening World's lessons and we will make a volcano as our synoptic task. In math we will continue to revise skills for the SATs and we will learn about shapes, volume and angles.
In P.E we will be learning about athletics events and developing our track and field skills in preparation for our school sports day in June. In May the class will travel to Ultimate Adventures in Bideford to have a go at different outdoor activities such as climbing, mountain boarding and kayaking.
In term six, in writing and reading, we will continue to read the book Wonder. We will write letters in character and compose a discussion text about one of the events in the book. In math we will develop our problem solving skills through solving everyday and real life problems such as cooking problems, money and ratio. In geography we will continue learning about volcanoes and we will then learn about the host cities in the history of the Olympics. We will practise for our year group production 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' and we will create props. In D.T, the children will explore different types of bridges and they will construct a bridge out of Meccano along specific given parameters. In P.E, the children will continue to develop their athletics and rounders skills as well as learning new sports such as: boccia, badminton and handball.
Term 3 and 4's topics - the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans
In terms 3 and 4, Crickets class will be going back to the Dark Ages and medieval Britain. We will study the battle for Britain after the last Roman soldiers left Britain in 410 CE and which civilisations invaded and then made Britain their home. In history, we will learn about the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and then the Normans. We will cover the people, their beliefs and how their societies were formed.
Our writing focus will be shaped by two Anglo-Saxon and Viking inspired texts: Beowulf and She Wolf. The children will write persuasive letters in character; write explanation texts about Vikings and write a narrative based on She Wolf. In addition to these texts, we will write an information text about the River Severn and a biography about Tim Peake and William the Conqueror.
In maths, we will learn to use measures; apply ratio to different situations; understand algebra; develop our knowledge of decimals, percentage and fractions; learn about area, perimeter and volume and then statistics.
In science, we will immerse ourselves in Space and our Solar System. We will learn about why the seasons occur; the different planets; the movement of celestial bodies and stars and galaxies. In geography, Crickets class will learn about rivers through the Opening Worlds learning and then how rivers influenced settlement and movement of people throughout Britain. We will use our geography field trips to study the River Banwell.
In computing, we are going to learn about variables and spreadsheets. In P.E, we will explore movement and balance in gymnastics and we will learn and practise our dance choreography for the Perform Your Socks Off event at the Weston Playhouse in April. We will continue our Opening Worlds' topic of Hinduism and learning about Hindu traditions in Religious Education.
Term 1 and term 2's study topic - the ancient Greeks
For term 1 and 2, we have been studying the ancient Greeks. We have read myths such as Perseus and Medusa, Theseus and the Minotaur and Daedalus and Icarus. For our first writing genre we studied and then wrote a non-chronological report about the Greek Underworld. The class then learnt about the story of Theseus and the Minotaur and then wrote a retelling of the myth. After this, we discovered the twelve tasks of Heracles and the children wrote a narrative poem based on his adventures. For the final genre this term, Crickets will look at newspaper articles and journalistic writing. We will then use this learning to write a newspaper article based on the story Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
In geography, we have studied the geography of Greece; compared and contrasted Athens to Bristol, explored why Greece is a popular holiday destination and introduced the terms relative and absolute geography.
In history for term 1 and 2, Crickets have explored the different Greek gods; answered enquiry questions about the Palace of Knossos and Arthur Evans' discoveries and discussed other civilisations that predated the Golden Age of Greece such as the Phoenicians and the Ancient Sumer.
Year 6's Bikeability Sessions
At the start of Term 1, Year 6 children will be undertaking a two day course called Bikeability. This course will develop the children's understanding on checking their bikes before they ride; improving their control on their bikes; understanding road signs and how to cycle safety on the roads.
To commence Year Six, the children will undertake a new learning project called Under the Sea.
In this project the children will study poetry by James Reeves; wrote poems based on his work and developed their word class knowledge.
In the second week and third week, the class will study the adventure book. The Shark Caller by Zillah Bethell, which is set in Papua New Guinea. The children will vivid setting descriptions; paint fantastic landscapes and learn about the geography and animals of the Pacific Ocean.
Click on the link below to take you to the National Online Safety website. Here you can download parent guides about popular apps and games.
At Banwell the children's wellbeing is always our priority and this year we are making mental well being a focus. Below is a link to the 'Wheel of Wellbeing' website that has some interesting information and activities to help with this.
Reading is so important!
We encourage you to listen to your child read and discuss the text at least three times a week. Sometimes it is hard to know what to ask them so below is some ideas of the type of questions that you could be asking your child whilst they are reading with you.
Times Tables
Being able to recall the times tables is a huge skill and will have benefits across all areas of the Maths curriculum. In Year 6, the expectation is that children can recall their times table up to 12 x 12 and often beyond. Make sure that your child is practising their times tables regularly at home both verbally and written.